About Us

What is RSA all about?

The Royal Sports Academy is a specialized skills organization focused primarily on mental sports and arts. It is founded on the principle that better minds lead to better lives, and it hopes to achieve the latter by using high impact arts and sciences to enhance the former.

Why Mental Sports?

Well, RSA is one of the executive programs of the King Foundation that seeks to, amongst other goals, improve critical and creative thinking amongst people across the world. Inspired by similar efforts by the Paul Allen Foundation, the underlying theory is that positive change, or improvement, in the socioeconomic standing of countries across the world could be well initiated, or maintained, by properly imparting high level mental skills in their young citizens (such skills, as it were, differentiated from those emphasized in formal education). When those young minds grow, their thinking is a lot more refined and creative, boding well for them in face of any unique problems they might face as future adults; and/or otherwise better facilitate desirable socio-economic governance and prosperity for the greater good of all.

What are some of the mental sports RSA focuses on?

Primarily, RSA focuses on Chess, Scrabble and Monopoly. However, other sports and arts stand accommodated- for their mind-boosting powers and character-building strengths- like Rubik’s Cube, Science Ed, Financial Ed, Martial Arts, Classical Art, and Music through RSA's various composite academies.

RSA's Focus?

While RSA is particularly keen on catering to children and young adults, each academy also offers suitable programs for adults commandeered by veritable master coaches.

Method of Instruction?

Instruction is carried out through vetted coaches and experts experienced in the art of teaching young minds, and those particularly adept in the arts in which they teach. RSA also upholds the highest moral standards and only instructors of decent character are selected as coaches so as to be better united with the umbrella mission of fostering good conduct and civility across the world.

  • Chess
  • Scrabble
  • Monopoly


The Royal Chess Academy

The Royal Chess Academy

The Royal Chess Academy is the RSA division focused on Chess.

Why does RSA endorse the playing of Chess?

Well, for several reasons. For instance, chess has been proven to boost spatial and creative thinking, pattern recognition, concentration, decision making, critical and strategic thinking as well as memory and patience. 

As if that wasn’t enough, playing the game has also been proven to boost IQ and analytical thinking across all ages, with critical advantages in children.

Tenets of Instruction

The Royal Chess Academy centers its instruction on a person-centered, holistic, fun process aimed at ensuring the highest mental, psychological and emotional benefits to trainees. Additionally, only great players of the game are chosen as instructors ensuring the very highest quality of coaching.

What age groups does the RCA focus on?

Primarily, the RCA focuses on children and young adults, though there are also adult programs for those in college, working, or retired. 

RCA's Vision

To popularize Chess in schools, colleges and workplaces so as to enhance creative and strategic thought in humans across the world, amongst other positive externalities.

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The Royal Scrabble Academy

The Royal Scrabble Club is the RSA division focused on Scrabble.

Why does RSA endorse the playing of Scrabble?

Well, several benefits. Most importantly, though, parties in the program get to boost their word power, creativity, pattern recognition, and communication skills, though there's much to be said for the game's benefits in decision making, critical thinking and strategic thinking as well. 

Playing the game has also been proven to boost IQ across all ages, with critical advantages in children.

Tenets of Instruction

The Royal Scrabble Club centers its instruction on a person-centered, holistic, fun process aimed at ensuring the highest mental, psychological and sociological benefits to trainees. Additionally, only great players of the game are chosen as instructors ensuring the very highest quality of coaching.

What age groups does the RSC focus on?

Primarily, the RSC focuses on children and young adults, though there are also adult programs for those in college, working, or retired. 

RSC's Vision

To popularize Scrabble in schools, colleges and workplaces so as to enhance reading, writing, and creative thought in humans across the world, amongst other positive externalities.

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The Royal Wealth Academy

“Financial literacy means having the knowledge, skills and confidence to make responsible financial decisions. The earlier in life people start educating themselves about financial literacy, the better equipped they will be when faced with life’s important financial decisions” – Kevin Sorenson, Minister of State (Finance), Canada at a past OECD conference


As evidently clear, financial literacy is a life skill that the even the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) agrees should be cultivated from a very young age. While Africa slumbers on the task, the G-20 countries- and several others in the know- have either begun, or are busy improving their financial education programs for the betterment of their public. Case in point, Singapore has even curated a new module entitled ‘Food and Consumer Education’ for all lower secondary school students in which students learn to be health-conscious and discerning consumers; and how to optimize their resources in terms of food, finance and time…

In light of this, and the frenetic nature of our global economic system, the Royal Wealth Club endeavors to ensure more young citizens, especially in Africa and other developing regions, are at the very least given a fighting chance in the rapidly changing financial environment. As Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame often reiterates, you can no longer count on the simple go to school, get a job and retire okay kind of plan. With rapidly increasing living costs, garnering essential financial education is the only thing that would enable one achieve any desired financial goal in spite of any economic condition. In other words, the course seeks to not only educate on money and its wise usage, but also equip members with the attitudes and mindsets of the wealthy, so they can acquire the financial habits necessary for financially freedom.


Course Elements for the Beginner Class

What is Money?

Origin of Money

Needs Vs. Wants

What’s a Budget?

Importance of Saving

Enrichment Activities (financial board game sessions, competitions, skits and/or workshops)


All through the course, it’s emphasized that it’s okay to be well off, but not to use material glasses to look down upon those with less. It also encourages entrepreneurial drives as well as advocates for spiritual fortitude so as to maintain a dignified person in wealth as in scarcity; and the importance of charity.


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